Nominations for 2016 Board of Officers

Nominations for 2016 Announced At the October 19th meeting, Nomination Chair, Rich Nagel W8KU announced the nominations for the 2016 Board positions as follows: President: Hal Rogers K8CMD Vice President: Jeff Ronay KF8CQ Secretary: John Malloy KA8VTV Treasurer: Jim Bis N8FND Trustee: Dave Semanik K8WRS Current Vice President, Dave Semanik K8WRS, decided to not run … Continue reading “Nominations for 2016 Board of Officers”

Nominations for 2016 Announced

At the October 19th meeting, Nomination Chair, Rich Nagel W8KU announced the nominations for the 2016 Board positions as follows:

President: Hal Rogers K8CMD
Vice President: Jeff Ronay KF8CQ
Secretary: John Malloy KA8VTV
Treasurer: Jim Bis N8FND
Trustee: Dave Semanik K8WRS

Current Vice President, Dave Semanik K8WRS, decided to not run for another term in that position. However Dave was nominated to remain on the board for a one year term as Trustee for 2016.  Although our By Laws permit, we have not had a Trustee in recent years.

Jeff Ronay KF8CQ is a new member. Jeff, volunteered to be nominated for the Vice President position. Larry Shimerka KC8VZZ will be vacating the Treasurer seat.  Jim Bis N8FND will was nominated for the Treasurer position.

Elections will be at the November business meetng, November 16th. Since the offices have only one nominee, in accordance with the PRC By Laws the election will be decided by a motion of acclamation.


Hal Rogers K8CMD, Communications Director