Upcoming solar eclipse promises to be the best yet for scientific experiments

For the amateur radio community and for everyday people this eclipse will spark the imagination and creativity of all the sciences given the path of totality! The moon will be extra close to Earth, providing a long and intense period of darkness, and the sun should be more active with the potential for dramatic bursts of plasma.

Hundreds if not thousands of the tens of millions of spectators will double as “citizen scientists,” helping NASA and other research groups better understand our planet and star. The sun will be just a year away from its maximum solar activity, as opposed to 2017 when it was near its minimum. April’s eclipse will also pass over three U.S. radar sites typically used for monitoring space weather. The stations will tune in to what’s happening in the upper atmosphere as the skies dim.

A link to the full article where I got this information can be read here: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/solar-eclipse-scientific-experiments-promising-rcna144900?fbclid=IwAR13wKbQRPHfhI29Yaklizq37uZZdpl57FAeVYJXMuNOJAoXEysHvFTNknE

A virtual representation of the Path of Totality across the U.S. can be found on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTD7BxpR5n4