Board Meeting September 20

Our next meeting is an important Board meeting and it will be packed with a number of critical topics for discussion and decision. As always, your opinions will be appreciated on all issues. Essentially, every aspect of our clubs operation and existence will be considered.

Until further notice, all indoor events attendees will be required to wear a mask.

Cleveland Hamfest returns !!

The Cleveland Hamfest & Computer Show returns September 26 at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds. It’s a long-awaited experience for many. Several of our newer members have yet to experience their first ever hamfest.

Attendees of previous Hamfests were mailed a flier from the Hamfest Association of Cleveland. If you haven’t received a flier, click the link below for a double-sided printable PDF that includes a map, as well as the list of fabulous drawing prizes and info about the mobile check-in frequencies.

You can add yourself to the Hamfest Association mailing list by going to their link below.

In addition to three main prizes, there will be hourly drawings. You’re also encouraged to use the mobile check-in while enroute and get your call sign on a drawing list. Pass the mic around so everyone can get a chance at a mobile check-in goodie. Then scan the board during the event for your call sign. The check-in frequencies will be the same as our net frequency: 145.410- (PL 110.9) and 442.225+ (131.8)

Special features: Walk-in Volunteer Licensing Exams at NOON. See important details on the flier. FORUMS: 10 am Intro to FT8 and FT4 11 am Internet Linking with AllStarLink

Front side of the 2 page flier

Next Crew to ISS to be Entirely Amateur

Four radio amateurs will head to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a commercial flight, thanks to Amateur Radio on the International Space Station

For information about Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, read here (ARISS).